
Does the idea of studying philosophy at the graduate level interest you? 如果是这样,这里有一些事情需要考虑.
Associate Professor of 哲学 Rebekah Rice meets with philosophy majors


That’s usually the career goal of someone who wishes to pursue philosophy at the graduate level. In fact, most doctoral programs accept only students who wish to teach philosophy. So the following comments assume that teaching philosophy is your career goal.

If you do not have an interest in teaching philosophy (or aren’t sure you do), but you do want to study philosophy at the graduate level, you should probably consider master’s degree programs — in which case you may wish to move directly to point (C) below.

A. 有一种工作是你可以带着热情去做的, 与快乐, and that’s the type of work you want to be doing in the long run. How sure are you that teaching philosophy is something you can do with genuine enthusiasm, 全心全意, 与快乐?

B. 有一些残酷的现实 面对赌博十大靠谱软件哲学教学的目标. These are mentioned here not to discourage anyone, but to promote clear understanding.

  • 哲学方面的工作稀缺. 高中很少教哲学. So, the primary market for jobs is in college- or university-level teaching. But for many years there have been more people with PhDs in philosophy than there are teaching positions. Put simply: Seeking a career in teaching philosophy is a risky proposition — there is no assurance of a position even after earning a doctorate in the field.
  • 进入一个好的博士项目并不容易. The difficulty of philosophy (both the issues and the texts) tends to attract bright, 勤奋的人. Hence, the competition for admission into good programs is intense. 不足为奇的是, 然后, those who get into good programs stand out among their undergraduate peers and receive strong letters of recommendation from their undergraduate teachers. 注意: 如果你上了一个好的哲学课程, you will almost certainly receive quite substantial financial assistance in the form of scholarships and/or assistantships (i.e.(带薪助教工作).
  • On average, it takes a long time to earn a PhD in philosophy. 在纸上, 这些项目在四年内似乎是可行的, 但平均时间是7年左右. 你愿意花那么多时间在学校吗?

C. 如何为研究生院做准备? Of course, it’s important to get the most out of your undergraduate training. 这包括:在所有的课上努力学习, doing readings beyond those required (simply because you’re interested!), taking “extra” classes in philosophy (beyond what’s required for the major), 并且变得非常擅长哲学写作.

在申请研究生院时, 你需要参加研究生入学考试(GRE), 你还需要一张样本纸, and you will need two or three letters of recommendation from your undergraduate philosophy teachers. 每个词都是按顺序排列的:

  • 准备GRE考试. 提前做好这次考试的准备. Typically the exam is taken in the fall of the senior year; so ideally, you would prepare for the exam during the summer after your junior year. Any good bookstore carries manuals designed to help those preparing for the GRE. The manuals contain sample exams that will help you become “test wise.” Some math and vocabulary review may also make a significant difference in your score.
  • 样纸. Usually this is a revised version of the best philosophy paper you’ve written as an undergraduate. Ask one of your philosophy teachers for advice on how to make the paper better. 你打算彻底修改这篇论文吗.
  • 推荐信. You will need very strong letters of recommendation in order to have any chance of getting accepted into a graduate level program. Keep in mind that those who write the letters have to provide accurate, useful information to the recipients: Letter writers must make comparative evaluations (e.g., “one of the two best students among our majors at this time”), 评论一下你写得如何, 你的逻辑能力如何, 你有多勤奋, 你对哲学有多感兴趣. They must also say something about your personal qualities — What’s it like to have you in class? 你和别人相处得好吗?

D. 你的哲学兴趣. 如果你想读研究生的话, 你应该准备好做简报, to-the-point answers to these questions: “What areas of philosophy are you most interested in? 什么样的哲学问题抓住了你? 你最喜欢读哪位哲学家的书?” Remember that different graduate programs have different strengths. 在做录取决定时, the faculty members are looking for students whose interests match the strengths of the program. Thus, many programs demand a brief written statement about your philosophical interests.

E. 定位好的程序. 有关博士和硕士课程的信息,请访问 哲学资源 在这个网站上. 点击“哲学研究生课程排名”.”

F. 硕士和博士. 如果一个人攻读哲学博士学位, 一个人通常会在这个过程中获得文学硕士学位,” after completing two years of course work and some comprehensive exams. But a fair number of graduate programs offer the MA as their highest (terminal) degree. Completing these programs normally includes writing a master’s thesis. If you aren’t sure whether you want to teach — just want to study philosophy at a more advanced level, or if you feel you need more preparation before applying to a doctoral program, 你可能会想申请其中一个硕士课程.

再看下面 哲学资源, 然后 “A Ranking of Graduate Programs in 哲学” for a list of top MA programs. 顺便说一下, SPU philosophy graduates have recently completed (and highly recommend) the following programs: The MA in 哲学 of Religion and Ethics at Talbot 神学院 (Biola University) and the MA in 哲学 at the University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee).

自然, if you are interested in studying philosophy at the graduate level, it would be a good idea to discuss these matters with your advisor in the near future. 

“Beauty, whether moral or natural, is felt, more properly than perceived.”